
How Structured Content Powers Health Education at Healthwise

Healthwise Communications Team

Structured content (also called Content as a Service or CaaS) is a new approach to an old problem: providing accurate, timely health content using minimal resources. Sonja Deines, Healthwise’s communications manager, recently sat down (virtually) with Scott Abel and Megan Gilhooly of The Content Wrangler to discuss how we use structured content to deliver evidence-based, easy-to-understand content that helps people make better health decisions.


Scott: Healthcare content can solve all sorts of challenges. What problem does the content your organization is producing solve, and for whom?

Sonja: For health systems, there’s so much they have to do, and there’s a lot of burden on clinicians. The last thing they need to be burdened with is writing or producing or delivering health education. Healthwise needs to make it as simple as possible for them.

Healthwise takes that burden on. We have medical writers, editors, clinical content specialists, and doctors who create in-house content, and software engineers and software developers who make sure our content can be used within existing workflows (e.g., EMR and CMS) so clinicians can deliver health education quickly and easily.

People need health education that’s evidence-based, written in plain language.

Megan: You provide Content as a Service [aka CaaS or structured content]. What does that look like at Healthwise?

Sonja: It looks different for each type of client. For example, our hospital clients use our content on their websites alongside their own content, so there’s a holistic experience for their patients. Let’s say you’re looking for diabetes education: you might find the hospital’s diabetes classes, contact information, and provider information alongside health education on the hospital website.

CaaS can also help during a health emergency. We recently worked with a hospital in an area experiencing a measles outbreak. The hospital needed to get information out quickly. They used their own information alongside our structured content and were able to put together a measles web page in hours.

Health guidelines and best practices change constantly. We have to be able to react quickly to those changes, and structured content is how we do that. We make the change once, and it automatically updates everywhere.

Megan: I can’t even imagine how important that’s been over the past nine months!

It’s huge. Without structured content, we wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the constantly changing information around COVID-19.

Learn More About Structured Content and Content as a Service

To hear more about how Healthwise uses structured content to deliver accurate, easy-to-use, and up-to-date content, watch the full webinar recording at BrightTALK.

Wondering exactly what Content as a Service is? 5 Reasons Your Healthcare Organization Needs Content as a Service

Discover how structured content influences customer experience, patient satisfaction and retention, revenue generation, and cost control: The Healthcare Marketer’s Guide to Structured Content

Many healthcare organizations have switched to a CaaS solution to make sure they have content that’s ready to publish anywhere, including social media channels: 3 Ways Content as a Service Helps You Win at Social Media

Connect with Sonja, Scott, and Megan on LinkedIn.